Orsolya Lia Vető: Melting Patterns

Orsolya Lia Vető: Melting Patterns

Orsolya Lia Vető (1991 Budapest)

Lia Orsolya Vető graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts with a degree in painting and art teaching. Her works have been shown in several group and solo exhibitions. In 2019, the Hegyvidék Gallery, in 2023, the VILTIN Gallery, and the János Tornyai Museum in Hódmezővásárhely presented her works in solo exhibitions. Among her professional awards, she won the Gyula Rudnay Art Scholarship in 2022 and the Jenő Maticska Prize in 2023. In addition to private collections, her works can also be found in the contemporary collection of the National Bank of Hungary.

Her art is pervaded by dynamism, using and manipulating colours, form, and dimension with instinctive and reckless abandon. Her large-scale gesture-based paintings are powerfully swirling with biomorphic, twisting, swirling, and undulating forms and fluid shapes. Her almost indecipherable layers reveal a visual world of organic inspiration, sometimes evoking the visual effects of digitality.


Date: The exhibition is on view from 31 May – 5 July 2024 (from Monday to Friday from 10 am – 6 pm).
From 8 July – 12 July on weekdays (from 10 am – 4 pm).
Venue: Virág Judit Gallery

Orsolya Lia Vető: Melting Patterns

Items of Orsolya Lia Vető: Melting Patterns